We know you want to be self-confident and connected while living genuinely and feeling healthy from the inside out.

To live well, you need to redefine what it means to be ageless, healthy, and a woman in her prime time of life.


We were stuck.

Hitting 50 wasn’t the turning point we hoped it would be, you know, the one where we were screaming from the rooftops that we’re the happiest we’ve ever been, content in our own skin, and deeply connected to wonderful women across our communities. No, in fact, it was just the opposite. We found ourselves executive leaders in the healthcare industry, burned out, exhausted, and unfulfilled at what was supposed to be the peak of our careers. Our children (5 between us) were graduating, leaving home, and successfully finding their way in the world...without us. Unfortunately at the same time, our self-talk made a 180 and turned to “I’m too old”, “I don’t look like I should”, and “I am not seen anymore”. And, we were lacking connection with other women. What? How could this be? We’d each worked in the wellness and healthcare industries for over 30 years. We knew we had years ahead of us to live well and flourish, yet we found ourselves stuck. 

It was at that time, we started talking to other women our age. The experiences were similar. We had years ahead to be a little more selfish, focus on ourselves, give back to our communities, thrive in our relationships, and flourish in our careers, yet we were ALL stuck. The problem was most of us had been trying to live up to an unrealistic standard, and as a result, felt we were climbing a huge mountain and never reaching the top. Sound familiar? 

We decided this wasn’t how we wanted to live. We wanted to thrive! We wanted to flourish! And, we wanted to help other women do the same!

We wanted to create change.

We took our professional knowledge, conversations with other women, and our personal experience and created a foundation for living well after 50. We refer to this foundation as our Four Rocks to Flourish After 50

  1. Reset your mindset

  2. Live inside out

  3. Connect with others

  4. Advocate

We’ve both worked in the health and wellness industry for over 30 years (so, we approach education with science-based facts), raised (or are raising) 5 kids between us, faced challenges, conquered fears, and have a strong desire to live to our fullest potential during these next decades of life.

A little more about us?

Karyn is an Exercise Physiologist with a B.S. in Consumer Health and Fitness, an M.S. in Exercise Science, and a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. She has consulted with organizations, employers, healthcare companies, and individuals on how to improve health and well-being for more than three decades. She is on a quest to teach midlife women to live well and be fit for life.

Rebecca holds a B.S. in Nutrition and Dietetics, B.S. in Exercise Science, and M.P.H. in Public Health Nutrition. She is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with over 30 years experience developing and implementing innovative approaches to inspire improved health and well-being. She spent the last decade as a nonprofit executive leader and is thrilled to be setting out on this new adventure!