Vision Tools

Change begins with a vision. Maybe you want to eat better, move more, sleep well, reduce stress, or connect with other midlife women. Whatever it is, successful and sustainable change starts with a renewed vision. Check out the resources below to get started.

Have you ever felt a rumbling inside that your life should be different from what it is right now, but you don’t know what to do about it? You’re not alone. One thing many midlife women have in common is the experience of an internal rumbling—a feeling that something should be different or something needs to change. It may be hard to pinpoint where the discomfort comes from, but you feel an unsettling rising internally.

This feeling could be the need for a change in your career, where you’re spending your time, taking care of yourself, whom you socialize alongside, or how you experience fun.

Whatever the cause, now is the time to listen.

90-Day Vision Journal

The 90-Day Vision Journal is filled with carefully curated prompts and exercises to guide you on a transformative journey of self-discovery. Whether you're feeling lost, stuck, or simply ready for a change, the 90-Day Vision Journal will help you:

  • Reflect on your past experiences, accomplishments, and challenges

  • Explore how you want to live your life as you age

  • Identify your limiting beliefs

  • Define your vision and priorities for the future

  • Take actionable steps to turn your vision into reality


52-Week Email Vision Course

The 52-week Email Vision Course starts February 4 and is tailored just for you – a woman with dreams, aspirations, and the desire to create a life that reflects your most authentic self.

Our year-long program is designed to guide you through setting your vision and practicing living your desires. By the end of the course, you will have done the work to ensure your desired changes stick and can be sustained.

Each email provides a dose of motivation, an exercise, and an opportunity to ask questions and connect with us as needed. 

Exclusive Bonuses:

Discounts on other Rumblings Programs and Travel Experiences

Invitations to live quarterly Q&A sessions with professionals


Online Vision Course

The transformative Online Vision Course is a 10-module comprehensive deep-dive to reignite your passions, redefine your purpose, and create lasting change. This course is designed exclusively for women navigating the unique challenges and transitions in midlife.

This course goes beyond conventional self-help programs, offering a holistic approach to renewal. Through engaging video modules, interactive exercises, and expert insights, you'll discover the tools and strategies needed to breathe new life into your goals and create lasting change.

You can move through the course at your speed whenever and wherever it works. Plus, once you purchase the course, it’s yours forever. Course content never expires.


The self is not something one finds. It is something one creates.”

- Thomas Szasz

FREE Resources

Midlife Transitions and Challenges: A Call for A Renewed Vision

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Lasting Change Unleashed: Discover Essential Techniques to Overcome Challenges and Create a Supportive Environment

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Mindset Transformation: How to Break Free from Limiting Beliefs and Achieve Your Goals

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